

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pantai Pasir Putih Lampung

White Sand Beach is very popular in Punjab as a tourist attraction. Of course the white sandy beaches and clean. There are also many stalls selling souvenirs and food. The beach is suitable as an option to travel with the whole family. On the opposite coast, there are three small islands which have enough beautiful scenery, the island of Lean Ground, Wawai Lean, and Lean sulah. The islands can be achieved approximately 20 minutes by motor boat, tourists can be rented at rates between Rp 30,000 and Rp 50,000. Leaning Island sulah conditions are also suitable for the sport of rock climbing. The island is also often used as an outdoor training ground for employees of companies outside of Lampung.
Before getting to the islands, the tenants will also be loaned to see the glass box underwater scenery, stunning. But there are also the owners of boats that charge to the glass box. If just to see the underwater sights, without the island, the boat owner is also willing to take. The fares would be cheaper than up to the island. Tourists can also rent a paddle boat, at a rate of about 15,000 an hour. To be sure, which could channel her favorite hobby is diving here.
On this beach, the visitor can play soccer or volleyball in the sea because the beach is quite wide, especially if the sea water was not high tide. Children can develop his imagination with play sand. To get into these attractions, tourists are charged a rate of $ 2,500 per person.

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